Control the touch Open UI feature in chrome from Siebel Administration
5. 12. 2017
In the previous blog we discussed the problem of having touch screen and chrome browser to use for Siebel Open UI. With standard configuration the Siebel Open UI was rendered as for tablet touch device. In enterprise companies with call center and agents working in offices this is not desired situation. The touch events may are still wanted within browser but Siebel Open UI is desired stay in standard desktop layout.
We will publish simple and quick method how to control this feature of chrome and Siebel Open UI by a script and Siebel Administration. The logic behind this solution is to have new open ui theme with _Touch suffix. When this theme is selected we let browser decide for the touch feature. If standard theme without suffix is selected, touch feature will be never active for the UI rendering.
Create new custom theme as copy of your existing theme.
Create in siebel/custom/TouchControl.js following javascript :
define("siebel/custom/TouchControl ",["siebel/decisionmanager"],
SiebelAppFacade.DecisionManager.IsTouch = function ()
return false;}
Register this javascript in Siebel Administration ->Manifest Files with following path : siebel/custom/TouchControl.js.
Register this script in Siebel Administration -> Manifest Administration for Type = Application, Usage Type = Common, Name = Platform Dependent . Create under Object Expression new record and in the Expression use the expression for your current Theme e.g. Aurora Theme. Add the new created script file siebel/custom/TouchControl.js to this Object Expression.
When user select the XX_Touch theme this script is never loaded and browser decides based on your screen and settings if touch feature is used. If standard theme is selected, this script is activated and always disables the touch rendering UI.
Enjoy your beautifull Siebel Open UI.
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